Wyoming State Registrar
Lynn McDowell

Lynn is a member of the Davey Jackson Chapter in Jackson and the founder of the Red Pencil Club which is being using widely across chapters to teach and train genealogists and assist prospective members with their applications. The chapter was featured in the Volunteer Genealogist slide presentation at the national level at Continental Congress in 2018.
She has served as a national leader in the role of the Northwest Division Chair of the Volunteer Genealogists, Wyoming State Volunteer Genealogist, the Continental Congress Credentials Committee, Wyoming Cameo Society Registrar, and volunteers her time to data entry for Patriot Indexing. Locally she serves on the membership committee and all things DAR. In her free time, you can find her teaching genealogy classes or assisting with supplemental applications.
When Lynn is not teaching, she is quilting, doing cross stitch, sewing or traveling.